πŸ“€Tx Writer

You won't need to use this class directly. In 0xWeb generated classes TxDataBuilder and TxWriter are used under the hood to send transactions.


Retryable sendTransaction for:

  • Time-out β€” if not mined within a time, will resubmit the tx with increased gas.

  • NonceTooLow β€” resets the nonce automatically

  • InsufficientFunds β€” a funder account can be set. If the sender doesn't have the required amount to cover the gaslimit, the account will be funded before sending the transaction


Adds TxLoggerπŸ”— to write transaction states to a log file using everlogπŸ”—

Transaction Events Parser

Automatically parses known Events, like Transfer. If ABI is used to build the transaction, then it will parse also all events which were defined in the ABI

Last updated